Saturday 4 July 2020


This is the first video I made, quite a while ago.
The original plan was to make a video to go with what eventually evolved into the Art Bank in Shepton Mallet, Somerset.
But various things changed at a very early planning stage at their end and the project evolved into something else entirely.
So I went off and finished what I had started.
It's really basic stuff but I quite like it. It looks pretty shoved together.
It's like a video from thirty years ago.

Other comic you might

oh my giddy aunt I haven't updated this blog in yonks.

Haven't updated anything of any real substance in a fair old while.
I've been doing quite a lot of stuff for magazines and webcomics and stuff like that.
But over the last few months I've been tentatively looking at doing more videos.
So here's a link to one I did quite a while ago and I'll start linking the other ones up as I go, in future posts.

The animation is really, really clunky. I squirm a bit when I watch it now.

Saturday 8 February 2020